DMCA Policy

DMCA Policy For

The purpose of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or “DMCA,” is to shield content creators from having their creations stolen and reposted online by unauthorized parties.

The regulation focuses on websites whose owners are unaware of the identities of the contributors to each piece of content or that the website serves as a platform for content uploading and publication.

It is our policy to react to every notification of infringement and take necessary action.

The “” website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its affiliated goods and services (collectively, “Services”) are covered by this policy under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It also describes how the operator of the Website (“Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) responds to reports of copyright infringement and how you, the user (“you” or “your”), can file a complaint.

We strongly believe in the protection of intellectual property, and we expect our users and their authorized representatives to feel the same way. Our policy is to promptly address unambiguous reports of purported copyright infringement that adhere to the provisions of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998, the full wording of which is available at the U.S. Copyright Office website.

We developed our DMCA Policy with the assistance of

What to consider before submitting a copyright complaint

Please note that if you are unsure whether the material you are reporting is in fact infringing, you may wish to contact an attorney before filing a notification with us.

The DMCA requires you to provide your personal information in the copyright infringement notification. If you are concerned about the privacy of your personal information.

Notifications of infringement

You may file a written copyright infringement notification (also known as a “Notification”) in accordance with the DMCA if you are a copyright owner or an agent of one, and you think that any content available on our Services violates your copyrights. Your contact information is provided below. Every one of these notifications needs to abide with the DMCA guidelines.

Launching a DMCA complaint initiates a predetermined legal procedure. We will examine your complaint to make sure it is true, valid, and comprehensive. Our response may include removing or restricting access to allegedly infringing material if your complaint satisfies these standards.

We will attempt in good faith to get in touch with the affected user and provide them with information about the removal or restriction of access if we delete or restrict access to materials or terminate an account in response to a notification of alleged infringement.

If the Operator does not meet all of the DMCA’s standards for such notifications, it will not be obligated to take any action in response to a copyright infringement notification, regardless of anything this Policy may say to the contrary.

The procedure outlined in this Policy does not preclude us from pursuing other remedies to resolve any suspected infringement.

Changes and amendments

We reserve the right, at any time and at our discretion, to change this Policy or any of its terms pertaining to the Website and Services. As soon as we do, we’ll tell you via email and post a notice on the website’s home page. We reserve the right to notify you in other ways as well, such as using the contact details you have supplied.

Unless otherwise noted, any revisions to this policy will take effect as soon as they are posted online. Your consent to the updated Policy (or any other act indicated at that time) will be deemed to have occurred when you continue to use the Website and Services after that date.

Reporting copyright infringement

If you would like to notify us of the infringing material or activity, we encourage you to contact us via email address given below.

Email: [email protected]

Note: Please allow 1-2 business days for an email response.